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Lucicutia flavicornis

Claus (1863)

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Phylum Arthropoda
Subphylum Crustacea
Class Maxillopoda
Subclass Copepoda
Order Calanoida
Family Lucicutiidae
Genus Lucicutia
Species flavicornis


  • Female: 1.26 - 2.00 mm
  • Male: 1.06 - 1.70 mm

Distinguishing characteristics

  • Males and females have very long urosomes, typically over half the length of their bodies
  • Long furca, in perfect specimens there are seta on each furca, much longer than the other setae
  • Form of P5
  • Female has large genital boss the shape of which is characteristic


  • Cephalosome without lateral protrusions
  • A1 reaches middle of caudal rami
  • P1 endopod 3 segmented
  • P5 right coxa inner margin with a conspicuous rounded protrusion, right basis with a triangular inner border bearing hairs distally, left coxa with a ridge on inner margin, left basis inner distal corner protruding and ending in a point and with 3-5 extra teeth and sometimes a proximal spinule, inner margins of both basis without pointed projections
  • Anal somite almost as long as urosome somite 4
  • Caudal rami slightly more than 5 times as long as wide; innermost seta small and slender


  • Cephalosome without lateral protrusions
  • A1 reaches middle of caudal rami
  • P5 endopodite with 3 segments; inner spine on exopodite segment 2 is long and straight, except for a slight bend at tip, reaching beyond base of first inner seta on exopodite segment 3; terminal segment on exopodite 3 less than half length of the segment, outer margin of exopodite segment 3 with several teeth
  • Large genital boss, placed centrally on ventral segment, genital somite symmetrical in dorsal view
  • Anal somite as long as urosome somite 3
  • Caudal rami slightly more than 5 times long as wide, innermost terminal seta small and slender




  • Bradford-Grieve, J. M., (1999). The marine fauna of New Zealand: pelagic calanoid copepoda: Bathypontiidae, Arietellidae, Augaptilidae, Heterorhabdidae, Lucicutiidae, Metridinidae, Phyllopodidae, Centropagidae, Pseudodiaptomidae, Temoridae, Candaciidae, Pontellidae, Sulcanidae, Acartiidae, Tortanidae. National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Conway DVP, White, R.G., Hugues-Dit-Ciles, J., Gallienne, C.P. and Robins, D.B. (2003). Guide to the coastal and surface zooplankton of the south-western Indian Ocean, Vol Occasional Publications No. 15. Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.