A new IMAS-led paper published in the science journal Nature Climate Change has highlighted the challenges faced by scientists, governments and communities as rising levels of CO2 are absorbed by the world’s oceans.
27 Jul 2018
A new IMAS-led study has revealed a previously undocumented process where melting glacial ice sheets change the ocean in a way that further accelerates the rate of ice melt and sea level rise.
27 Apr 2018
After a busy summer on the Antarctic ice, a number of IMAS, Antarctic Gateway Partnership (AGP), and ACE CRC staff and students have returned home to Tasmania. This is the second in our series of stories about their projects and experiences.
6 Apr 2018
After a busy summer on the Antarctic ice, a number of IMAS, Antarctic Gateway Partnership (AGP), and ACE CRC staff and students have returned home to Tasmania. This is the first of a series of stories about their projects and experiences
6 Apr 2018
More of the Totten Glacier is floating on the ocean than previously thought, increasing its potential to contribute to global sea level rise.
21 Mar 2018