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UTAS Home > IMAS Home > Image Key > Cnidaria > Hydroidomedusae > Leptomedusae >  Obelia sp.

Obelia sp.

Peron and Lesueur 1810


Phylum Cnidaria
Superclass Hydrozoa
Class Hydroidomedusae
Subclass Leptomedusae
Order Proboscoida
Family Campanulariidae
Genus Obelia

Distinguishing characteristics

  • The little medusa of Obelia sp. (up to 6 mm) is very common. It can be recognised by having a thin, flat umbrella, with only a rudimentary velum, and four sac-like gonads located on the middle of radial canals.


  • Genus Obelia is almost cosmopolitan (O'Sullivan 1982a), but it is uncertain how many species there are.