Institute for Marine & Antarctic Studies


Special Feature
> ARC Laureate Fellowship: Geoengineering the Southern Ocean? A transdisciplinary assessment
ARC Laureate Fellowship - Geoengineering the Southern Ocean…
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Researcher Profile
> Assoc Prof Catriona Macleod


Head, Ecology & Biodiversity Centre


Associate Professor Catriona Macleod is a benthic ecologist, her research focuses on coastal environmental interactions.…

Currently researching

Catriona has a particular interest in environmental impacts on soft-sediment and reef ecosystems.…

View researcher profile >
Special Feature
> Ranked 7th in the world for Fisheries
Based on IMAS’s research and teaching, the University of Tasmania is ranked 7th …
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Special Feature
> Ranked 4th in the world for Marine and Freshwater Biology
Based on IMAS’s research and teaching, the University of Tasmania is ranked 4th …
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Special Feature
> Ranked 4th in the world for Marine and Freshwater Biology
Based on IMAS’s research and teaching, the University of Tasmania is ranked 4th …
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Special Feature
> Ranked 7th in the world for Oceanography
Based on IMAS research and teaching, the University of Tasmania ranks 7th in the…
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Special Feature
> Ranked 7th in the world for Fisheries
Based on IMAS’s research and teaching, the University of Tasmania is ranked 7th …
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Special Feature
> Ranked 7th in the world for Oceanography
Based on IMAS research and teaching, the University of Tasmania ranks 7th in the…
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World class fisheries and aquaculture research

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Projects, Partnerships & Collaborations

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Authorised by the Executive Director, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies
2 November, 2021