Currently, I am a Researcher at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.
The QMS program allows us to sneak into many different subjects such as Physical Oceanography, Fisheries, Data Analysis etc. Also, the QMS program provides the funding to the students for attending national and international workshops and conferences. This is quite helpful for early career researchers in their PhD. I also received this funding to attend a conference in the USA and to do a sabbatical at Woods Hole Oceanographic institution for 3 months. QMS also provides the scope to work with a scientist from CSIRO for me it was Dr. Ming Feng who guided me excellently in my PhD and we are still working together. Overall, the QMS program is quite vibrant in terms of its course content and exposure to the students.
The QMS course, its funding, and its collaboration brought me my first postdoc as I learned a lot during my PhD built some important contact at WHOI USA and also in CSIRO Australia. I am extremely pleased to be a part of such a program where I received a lot in terms of knowledge and exposure which are the top requirements of a student.